The medicinal use of turmeric, its importance as a beauty ingredient, and how to make turmeric powder. Turmeric otherwise called Curcumin is an ancient herb that many have used in curry powder, and has been shown to have helped in treating cystic fibrosis, colon cancer, haemorrhoids, gastric ulcers, breast cancer, atherosclerosis, liver diseases, traumatic brain injury, dementia, and arthritis. There are a few studies about Curcumin (turmeric) in terms of cosmetics, prevention, and treatment of skin infections. The aim is to create powders and creams that can treat and bring beauty to subjects. The study collected turmeric, beetroot, and honey produced in Jos Nigeria, and processed them for use as facial powder, powder mixture, and cream. From the study, the pictures showed that turmeric can make a good facial powder on its own or as a combination with beetroot powder. Turmeric powder in combination with honey can also treat facial pimple marks as seen from the study. This study, therefore, proposes Obeturmeric powder, Obeturmeric powder mixture, and Obeturmeric cream for human faces. Turmeric should not be neglected by skin care and cosmetic industries as Obeturmeric powder, Obeturmeric powder mixture, and Obeturmeric cream have shown a leading example from this study.