Renal diseases like CKD, Acute on CKD, and AKI are the most common health issues in the present situation. Many risk factors cause or increase the incidence of renal diseases and vice versa. In this study, the major comorbidities of renal diseases include hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases were included. To assess the co-morbid conditions of diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases associated with various levels of renal functions were estimated. In the total 131 patients, 61 (46%) patients were suffering from CKD, 39 (30%) patients were suffering from acute CKD, and 31 (24%) patients were suffering from AKI. The patients of age between 40-50 years were prone to renal diseases in the study. In females, 15 (24%) were suffering from AKI, 33 (52%) were suffering from CKD, and 15 (24%) were suffering from acute CKD. 16 (23%) males were suffering from AKI, 31 (31%) were suffering from CKD and 21 (31%) males were suffering from acute on CKD. In the case of co-morbidities especially in renal diseases, 3 (1%) patients had only CKD, 29 (14%) had CVA, 35 (17%) had DM, 50 (24%) had HTN. The hypertensive patients having CKD were higher when compared to other co-morbidities. Based on the BMI, obese people were highly affected. Proper management and preventive measures should be taken by the people to reduce the occurrence of renal diseases.