In the 1980s, psychologists like Howard Gardner began to write seriously about multiple intelligences. The structure of spiritual intelligence is one of the most interesting and controversial new concepts that raised in scientific positions and has been developed. The present study is about "Presenting the Model of Spiritual Intelligence of Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch". Firstly, the dimensions and factors of the original pattern of spiritual intelligence with 34 experts for the interview were discussed and with the help of theoretical and research foundations, research results led to the formulation of a questionnaire. The statistical population included 324 faculty members selected by stratified random sampling method. The primary data was collected by the professors' questionnaire and was explored by the factor analysis tests and exploratory analysis of the research conceptual model in the standard estimation mode and significance factor. Then, the proposed model was tested by codifying the executive questionnaire for managers of 14 faculties of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch and ultimately, the final model was developed and presented. The results obtained by confirming the research questions are based on the necessity of providing the Model of Spiritual Intelligence of Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch.