International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research
ISSN (Print): 2250-1029
ISSN (Online): 2249-6084
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2021   Volume 11   Issue 1

Measuring Community Awareness about Factors Influencing the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease in Saudi Arabia
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Mokhtar SH, Alzulfi RA, Magram HK, Alasmi NM. Measuring Community Awareness about Factors Influencing the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease in Saudi Arabia. Int J Pharm Phytopharmacol Res. 2021;11(1):108-19.
Mokhtar, S. H., Alzulfi, R. A., Magram, H. K., & Alasmi, N. M. (2021). Measuring Community Awareness about Factors Influencing the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical And Phytopharmacological Research, 11(1), 108-119.
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AD is a progressive condition in which symptoms gradually develop and ultimately become more severe and lead to irreversible damage to multiple brain functions. Studies have shown that AD pathology and progression might be affected by several factors including age, diet, and mental and physical exercise. Additionally, studies have demonstrated the existence of some diseases such as diabetes mellitus and Down syndrome may enhance the development of AD. On the other hand, several evidence suggests that a healthy lifestyle can help decrease the risk of developing AD. This study aimed to measure the awareness of the Saudi community regarding the factors that might contribute to the development of AD. A questionnaire was distributed amongst the public through campaigns that took place in shopping centers and schools. Additionally, the questionnaire was distributed through emails and WhatsApp messages to ensure the coverage of different areas of the kingdom. Results demonstrated overall good awareness in the community however, more awareness programs and campaigns are highly recommended

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