International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research
ISSN (Print): 2250-1029
ISSN (Online): 2249-6084
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2019   Volume 9   Issue 3

Madhuca indica (Mahua) - Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Economical Importance for Tribal People of Chhattisgarh State
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Pushpendra Kumar Patel, Vandana Janghel, Saket Singh Chandel, Jyoti Sahu
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Chhattisgarh state is located at the central part of India, thus considered as the heart of the country. This state is well known for its agriculture and mineral sources. Apart from these specialties the state is also known for its culture, tradition, and the lifestyle of tribal people. In the interior part of Chhattisgarh, there is a little rare known civilization. Their lifestyle and culture is still a subject of interest for many regional and global researchers. One thing that makes a difference in their life is the availability of some potential trees and minerals with pharmaceutical and nutraceutical benefits that indigenous people were used to collecting beneficial parts of them, for instance; Mahua (Madhuca indica) which is one of the most important trees, providing several medicinal and non-medicinal products, which is vital for them from health and wealth point of view. In this review we have discussed the medicinal properties like hepatoprotectivity, antimicrobial, wound healing, skin protectivity, bone joining potentials and some non-medicinal properties like nutraceutical; alcohol fermentation and preparation of food, soap, oil, and candy. Although in conclusion, few properties of these plants have been identified, various types of them have been yet to be utilized.

Volume 15
Issue 2

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