The present research evaluates the comparative study on thePhyllanthus acidus and Phyllanthus Emblicaand its antimicrobial activity of chloroform, methanol and aqueous extract of Phyllanthus Emblica and Phyllanathus Acidus against the organisms staphylococcus aureus (gram +) and Escherichia coli (gram -). The standard drug used is Amikacin.In the phytochemical investigationofPhyllanthus Emblica the phytochemical constituents present are carbohydrates, Flavonoids, Tannins, Pectin and Ascorbic acid. In Phyllanthus Acidus. The phytochemical constituents present are carbohydrates, Tannins and Ascorbic acid. The estimation of ascorbic acid is more in Phyllanthus Emblica than in Phyllanathus Acidus. The content of tanninsis more in Phyllanthus Emblica than Phyllanathus Acidus. The chloroform extract and methanolic extract shows significant antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity is more in Phyllanathus Acidus than inPhyllanthus Emblica. Also, these plants have bioactive phytochemical compounds with potential medicinal values for the treatment of numerous infections. The present study showed the effectiveness of the plant extract against the tested bacterial strains and indicates the potential use of the extract as antimicrobial agent for the control of infectious diseases.