%0 Journal Article %T Brief Communication COVID-19 in the Midst of Malaria, Cold, and Flu in Nigeria %A Uchejeso Obeta %A Gumta Matthew %A Obiora Ejinaka %J International Journal of Pharmaceutical And Phytopharmacological Research %@ 2250-1029 %D 2021 %V 11 %N 4 %R 10.51847/f1xH3IXskj %P 6-10 %X There is a relationship existing in the nature of management of COVID-19, malaria, cold, and flu ranging from the use of anti-malaria to immune boosters such as vitamin C, herbal/home remedies, large intake of fluids and rest while recommending conventional drugs. This study was done to establish the relationships in terms of clinical symptoms, diagnosis and management. In Nigeria, NAFDAC acknowledged the positive effects of vitamin C enriched plants and vegetables on COVID-19 as discovered by researchers and academicians but discouraged the use of any local products without adequate registration before making claims and usage. There is enormous fear because of the delta variant of COVID-19 because of little or absence of known symptoms, but on the other hand, the majority of affected cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria were asymptomatic and this calls for serious concern in the presence of malaria, cold and flu and that is why the comparison is germane to assist management. The positive relationship would assist in the multiple approach in handlind COVID-19, malaria, cold and flu especially in Nigeria. %U https://eijppr.com/article/brief-communication-covid-19-in-the-midst-of-malaria-cold-and-flu-in-nigeria-fvxcjv1yvxihtpw