International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research
ISSN (Print): 2250-1029
ISSN (Online): 2249-6084
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2023   Volume 13   Issue 2

A Review of the Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology
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Pradhan S, Dubey N, Shukla SS, Pandey RK, Gidwani B. A Review of the Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology. Int J Pharm Phytopharmacol Res. 2023;13(2):1-17.
Pradhan, S., Dubey, N., Shukla, S. S., Pandey, R. K., & Gidwani, B. (2023). A Review of the Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology. International Journal of Pharmaceutical And Phytopharmacological Research, 13(2), 1-17.
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Powdered particles are glued together to create granules, which are big particle entities. This process is known as pharmaceutical granulation. The granulation technique generally preventssegregation; improvesthe flow property and compaction of the tablet dosage form. In the pharmaceutical industry; employing agglomeration or granulation techniques to create dust free environment and enhance the material's ultimate utility. Pharmaceutical granules are made by mainly two methods wet granulation and dry granulation. Recent and Modern techniques are used in both methods to make the production of qualitatively high and effective granules in pharmaceutical industries. Additives or excipients are chemically and physiologically inert, stable, and compatible with active pharmaceutical ingredients and are essential for the preparation of granules. Mostly the use of diluents, binding agents (for the wet granulation method), disintegrants, lubricants, and glidantsare preferred for the formation of granules. This review article gives fundamental and descriptive knowledge about the conventional technique used in the preparationsof granules as well as explainsthe advanced granulation technology such as wet granulation (reverse, steam, moist, thermal adhesion, melt, freeze, foam) and pneumatic dry granulation technology. The article also provides an overview of evaluation parameters for granules. Granules are evaluated by their morphological characteristics and other parameters like density, porosity, moisture content, friability, and flow property of granules. Moreover; these techniques are used in industries for large-scale production of solid dosage forms.

Volume 15
Issue 1

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